Why an electric fence ?

An electric fence offers many advantages in comparison to a conventional fence.

1. Cost effective

An electric fence is about half the cost (less material and labour) of other fences.

HorseGuard fencing is sold exclusively online at factory-direct prices with no intermediary at significant cost savings to our customers.

The HorseGuard system has been designed for quick and easy installation with many innovative accessories to easily accommodate any fencing situation.


2. Security and Reliability

An electric fence is a physical, visual and psychological barrier. After receiving the first electric shock (powerful but safe), animals will instinctively keep their distance.
Associating the mental and visual barriers, the experience of the shock is very effective for foals, who remember and respect the fence for their entire lives.

With a minimum of 4000 volts permanently maintained on the fence, the HorseGuard system provides reliable security for horses, all year round.


3. Superior longevity

Physical strains on an electric fence are virtually nil, because the animals avoid touching it once they’ve learned its lesson. An electric fence therefore lasts much longer than a non-electrified fence.

You can expect well maintained HorseGuard tape fence to last 20 years.